A healthy - well educated, productive and prosperous community
To deliver quality service to the people of Buliisa so as to promote equitable and sustainable social economic development.
The overall goal of the district is to improve the social economic being of the people, and it will be attained through the following strategic objectives:
To enhance production, household food security and income levels
- To contribute to the sustainable growth of the local economy taking into consideration all the interest groups.
- To promote accessible and quality basic education
- To improve access and quality preventive and curative health services
- To combat HIV/AIDs, malaria and other communicable diseases
- To provide essential infrastructure for development
- To increase accessibility to safe water and sanitation
- To address critical environmental concerns and ensure sustainable utilization of Natural resources.
- To promote gender equality and empower marginalized groups
- To strengthen partnership with development partners, Civil Society Organizations and the Private Sector Organizations.
- To establish transparency and accountability at all levels of administration.
- To promote participatory bottom-up planning
- Ensuring proper operation and maintenance of infrastructure and other facilities
- Improve staffing levels especially in the Health, Education and Production sectors.
Enhance Resource mobilization, local revenue enhancement and advocacy for increased funding.
Sector Goals : Finance
To improve Efficiency and effectiveness in public expenditure management
Promote transparency and accountability of public finances
Promote local revenue collection and accountability
Enhance the quality of public financial management and service delivery
Finance Sector Objectives.
a) Spending of public finances through the control system
Communicate the financial information monthly through financial reports
Account for all public finances within the statutory budget lines
Collect 95% of budgeted local revenue
Spend over 70% of annual budget through procurement systems approved by PPDA
Train Heads of department and Accounts staff in proper public financial management practices
The sector is headed Politically by the secretary for Finance Hon Businge.
The Department is headed Technically by the Chief Finance Officer Mr Kibaratenda Arthur.