On behalf of Buliisa District Local Government, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my appreciation to all of you who have spared your time to log on the Buliisa District Web Portal.
Please continue to read below and scan through all our Services as indicated above on the main tool bar.
Oloya Stephen
The District Vision
A healthy - well educated, productive and prosperous community.
The District Mission
To deliver quality service to the people of Buliisa so as to promote equitable and sustainable social economic development.
The overall goal of the district is to improve the social economic being of the people, and it will be attained through the following strategic objectives:
To enhance production, household food security and income levels
- To contribute to the sustainable growth of the local economy taking into consideration all the interest groups.
- To promote accessible and quality basic education
- To improve access and quality preventive and curative health services
- To combat HIV/AIDs, malaria and other communicable diseases
- To provide essential infrastructure for development
- To increase accessibility to safe water and sanitation
- To address critical environmental concerns and ensure sustainable utilization of Natural resources.
- To promote gender equality and empower marginalized groups
- To strengthen partnership with development partners, Civil Society Organizations and the Private Sector Organizations.
- To establish transparency and accountability at all levels of administration.
- To promote participatory bottom-up planning
- Ensuring proper operation and maintenance of infrastructure and other facilities
- Improve staffing levels especially in the Health, Education and Production sectors.
- Enhance Resource mobilization, local revenue enhancement and advocacy for increased funding
Sector 01: Administration and Management support services
Goal: To promote Good Governance and accountability.
a) To ensure timely accountability of government funds.
Sector |
Sub-sector |
01 Management Support Services |
CAO’s office |
Human Resource Management/PHRO |
CountyAdministration/A.CAO |
Information and Public Relations/PRO |
Office support services |
Records management/Central Registry |
Background Information
Buliisa district was curved out of Masindi district in July 2006. It is one the districts in the western Albertine rift valley where a lot of oil deposits have been discovered.
Location and Size
Buliisa District covers an area of 3200 sq.kms comprised of open water and land. It is surrounded by Lake Albert, Albert Nile, game reserves/park and Budongo forest, its vital to note that the bigger part of the land area of the district is within the Murchison falls national park, Bugungu game reserve and Budongo forest.
Political and Administrative Divisions
Buliisa District is sub divided into one county, six sub counties and one Town council
Table 1.Administrative Units
S/No. |
Sub-county |
No. of Parishes |
No. of Villages |
1. |
Buliisa |
4 |
12 |
2. |
Kigwera |
5 |
15 |
3. |
Ngwedo |
5 |
16 |
4. |
Biiso |
4 |
32 |
5. |
Butiaba |
4 |
20 |
6. |
Kihungya |
4 |
24 |
7. |
Buliisa T.C |
4 |
8 |
Total |
30 |
127 |
Source: Sub-county chiefs
Topography, Climate and Vegetation
Buliisa District is part of the Central plateau of Uganda with an altitude of about 680 – 1400 metres above sea level (m.a.s.l).
The lowest point of the District is in L. Albert at 682 m.a.s.l. The slopes are generally steep with wide valleys. The western fringes of the district lie in the western rift valley a part largely covered by Lake Albert and the Escarpment.
- According to 2014 and Population and Housing Census provisional results, the population of Buliisa district is 115,506 persons
- sex ratio is 105/100 (for every 105 males there is 100 females).
- The average house size is 5.3 people which is higher than the national figure of 4.2.
- Butiaba sub-county has the highest figure of 29,214 people while Buliisa Town council has the least population of 7,677.
- The inter censual growth rate is 4.9% which is relatively higher than the national average of 3%. Buliisa had a population of 63,363 (31,022 males and 32,341 females) in 2002 Population and Housing Census.
Number of HHs and Population by sub-county by sex
S/No. |
Sub-county |
No. of HHs |
Population |
Total |
Male |
Female |
1 |
Buliisa |
3,127 |
8,404 |
8,643 |
17,047 |
2 |
Kigwera |
2,644 |
7,123 |
6,901 |
14,024 |
3 |
Ngwedo |
3,210 |
8,326 |
8,924 |
17,250 |
4 |
Biiso |
3,464 |
8,861 |
9,122 |
17,983 |
5 |
Butiaba |
5,578 |
16,574 |
12,640 |
29,214 |
6 |
Kihungya |
2,193 |
5,856 |
6,455 |
12,311 |
7 |
Buliisa TC |
1,488 |
4,041 |
3,636 |
7,677 |
Total |
21,704 |
59,185 |
56,321 |
115,506) |
Source: 2014 Population and Housing Census (Provisional Results)
Some Key Demographic Indicators
Population group |
Age bracket |
%ge |
Status |
Total Population (2014 Census) |
115,506 |
Population growth rate (2002-2014) |
4.90% |
Sex ratio |
105 |
Population density |
36.1 |
Mean household size |
5.3 |
PWDs |
1.9 |
2,195 |
Children under 1 yr |
< 1 yr |
4.5 |
5,198 |
Children under 5yrs |
<5 yrs |
19.6 |
22,639 |
School going Children |
(5-14yrs) |
31.7 |
36,615 |
Adolescents |
(12-24yrs) |
15 |
17,326 |
Children population |
(0-18yrs) |
57.7 |
66,647 |
Youthful population |
(18-30yrs) |
20.9 |
24,141 |
Economically active |
(15-64yrs) |
50.1 |
57,869 |
Voting population |
18 + yrs |
42.3 |
48,859 |
Reproductive population |
(15-49yrs) |
20.8 |
24,025 |
Elderly population |
65+yrs |
4.6 |
5,313 |
Source: Planning Unit
Population Density
The population density of Buliisa district Increased from 25 persons per square kilometer in 2002 to 36 persons per square kilometre in 2014.
According to 2002 census, 27 percent of the population in Buliisa district were migrants from other districts and Eastern part of DRC.
According to 2014 census, total households in Buliisa district was 21,704 with most of them in rural areas (97 percent), with household size of 5.3 persons per household. Most of households were male headed (85 percent).
The majority of the population in Buliisa District are Catholics amounting to 52 percent followed by Anglican 25 percent, Pentecostals 3 percent, Moslems 3 percent, SDA 3 Percent other religions 13 Percent and no religion 0.6 (2002 census)
In 2014 census, Buliisa Sex ratio was 105 males per 100 females higher than the national figure which was 95 males per 100 females. The proportion of children (population below 18 years of age) was 57.7%. Considering the Percentage of elderly at 4.6% gives a very high dependency ratio of 62.3% and this is a great dependency burden to the economically active people (50.1%).
District revenue:
The total budget for the district for the financial year 2014/15 was 13.8 billion shillings, follow the link
Radio and Television Communication
Radio is the commonest form of mass communication and 61% of households do own radios. Radio coverage and access has improved through the privatization and liberalization of the communication infrastructure. There is no FM Radio station in Buliisa but most parts of Buliisa easily access FM waves from radio stations operating in the Bunyoro region i.e. Kings Radio Masindi, Radio Kitara, Bunyoro Broadcasting Services, Radio Hoima, Spice radio and Liberty radio.
Television coverage is poor only a few have digital pay TV DSTV.
Telecommunication has been made easy in the district by establishing mobile telephone services. The telecommunication providers include MTN (U) Ltd, Airtell, Uganda Telecom Ltd and of recent Africell. There are no private firms in Buliisa town that provide internet services.
Electricity supply from the national hydro-power grid is now accessible in Buliisa district following the official commissioning of the power line by H.E The President of Uganda on 1st September 2015.
Banking services. Only Stanbic Bank is operating in the district .
Buliisa district has an estimated-forested area of 120 which is mainly Budongo forest and Masege forest reserve.
Industry activity, in as far as it contributes to income generation, is still limited in the district; the fish factory that was in Butiaba closed due to overfishing. The discovery of oil is expected to give a big push in the industry sector if oil production starts.
Tourism Industry
A herd of Buffalos at Butiaba landing site. Photo by Tibaijuka Hannington, PRO Buliisa
Buliisa District is located in the Albert Rift valley where tourism potential is very high. Bugungu game reserve is in Buliisa and a big part of Murchison falls national park is also in Buliisa. River Nile, Lake Albert and Budongo forests are other tourist attractions.
The Chief Administrative Officer Buliisa Mr Oloya Stephen has encouraged every civil servant to perform to his expectations and recently challenged all staffs to inspire Intrinsic Motivation because Motivation is not only Money but the Inherent Characters of an Individual which makes one more productive even with little or no supervision.
He encourages every body to keep smart all the time at work, even emulate this while off work so as to demonstrate proffessionalism.
CAO Buliisa Mr Oloya Stephen Standing, meeting with Local Govt Inspectors recently. LC V Chair (In Yellow) was present. Photo by Hannington PRO Buliisa
Staffing levels
The district staffing level stands at 59% With total number of 633 staff,161 staff from health, and 395 primary teachers
The District has functional Sectors which are headed by HODs.
Planning Unit Headed by Mr Mureebe Blair.
Production andMarketing Sector Headed by Mr Kaahwa Robert.
Directorate of Health Services
Dr Onyait Samuel DHO Buliisa
Dr Kyohairwe Racheal, Medical Officer Buliisa HSD.
Dr Matovu Paul, Medical Officer Buliisa General Hospital
Mr Tibaijuka Hannington, Hospital Administrator Buliisa General Hospital
Ms Atuhairwe Sylvia Clinical Officer Incharge Buliisa HC IV.
Education Sector
DEO Buliisa Mr Byenkya Christopher, (In Blue Shirt) together with CAO, H.Tr Kisiabi P/S and PRO Buliisa on routine Schools Monitoring
Mr Kiiza Tyson Senior Education Officer
Finance and Audit
CFO Buliisa Mr Kibaratenda Arthur (In Grey T-Shirt, Front Row) after transfering over 630M UWA Revenue sharing funds to Sub Counties of Buliisa, Kigwera, Biiso, Butiaba and Kihungya.
Mr Mugisa Mark, SAA (District Cashiers Office)
Community Based Services
DCDO Buliisa Mr Barugahara Benard, 4th From Left (In Brown Coat) pose for a photo with Sub County Officials after commissioning a 630 Million UWA Revenue sharing Venture at BDLG Resource centre. Photo by Hannington PRO May 2015.
Lands and Natural Resources
Mr Benard Isoke Physical Planner, DNRO Buliisa.
Statutory Bodies/Council.
Mr Katusabe Rawlings, Clerk to Council
Additional Info by Tibaijuka Hannington PRO Buliisa.